


FYI: just to let yall going to be making this blog private soon. if youre interested in still keeping up with it, comment or email me your email address ( and i will send you an invite. thanks.

this is hard for me. not only do i hate people seeing me without makeup, i hate taking pictures of myself without it. i know, dumbbbbbbb. but this is day 2 with no make up. bc im just that lazy. ;) just needed to say that.
late last night i was watching the storm and i saw the lightning strike right outside the window. turns out it hit a pine tree. it was pretty cool to watch.
went shopping tonight for a couple birthday presents. found this nail polish while i was shopping and fell in love with the color [pacific blue]...had to get it. its amazing. i loooooove it. its almost a purple-blue color.



i was in bed for 90% of the day with bad head pain. 
i got to sleep to the sound of rain and thunder. it was so peaceful<3 we need the rain so much. PTL
the lightning and thunder was amazing.



^faith made this for me not sure what it is, but it sure is adorable. i think maybe a minion.

today i saw on a sign: if in doubt, mumble. ~~i thought it was hilarious!!! :P 
after church tonight was drive in time for madagascar 3 with a bunch of friends. we had a blast. even though we had way to many people to actually watch the movie and hear and know what was happening. ;)



today was goodwills 50% off everything in the store day (first saturday of the month) so we got up early and got there when they opened at 8am. i wasnt as successful in shopping as i usually am, but i ended up with a pair of jeans, and 3 shirts.
breakfast at mcdonalds: hashbrowns and mocha frappe
prayer walk at the highschool.
then bible study tonight. we had some great discussion time and read Isaiah 40, Psalm 27-28 & 91.



after 15+ hours of no power, we had a bunch of dirty dishes needing washed.
today is national kissing day (who even came up with that???) so we watched The Notebook. perfect, aye? ;)
sleepover night. but have decided not to stay up too late bc we're getting up early.



^flowers dad brought home for mom<3

has some crazy-insane storms this evening. lotsa straight line wind that knocked over a bunch of trees in the area and left most of us w/o and power.



HAPPY 4th of JULY!
one of my favorite holidays. mostly because its in the middle of summer. ;)
our town cancelled the firework show that they put on every year due to how dry everything is and the risk of a fire. its tradition to go to the huge park and with a ton of friends and practically the whole town to play football, ultimate frisbee, and watch the fireworks. but this year we had to break that tradition.
i suggested we all go to a baseball game. everyone liked the idea so thats what we ended up doing.
we left the house around noon, went to chili's for lunch, then to the best laser tag place ever..i won the first round and dad won the second. afterwards we did a little shopping, went to bass pro shop and then on to the smokies baseball game.
after the game {smokies lost 3-4,btw:((} they had a firework show. it was great. i love fireworks.